Core ML and Vision for iOS

Apple showed off some spectacular tech demos throughout this year’s WWDC, particularly, those related to ARKit and it’s base framework Core ML. I’ve only dabbled with basic machine learning in the past (K Nearest Neighbor barely counts), and was intrigued at the amount of abstraction Apple provides in implementing computer vision, natural language processing, and working with custom models. After watching the Introducing Core ML session, I decided to get my hands dirty and create a little image recognition app fueled by machine learning.

Starting off was easy enough, after setting up a basic single page application with an UIImageView, a couple of labels, and a set of buttons, I picked a demo model (I went with Inception V3), and dragged it into Xcode 9. With the model in the project, all that was left was to reference the model, and have it make a prediction based on an image the user provides.

Once the model has been imported, clicking on the file in Xcode 9 will reveal details specific to the model, including what inputs and outputs. In the case of Inception V3, the model expects an image and will return a dictionary of labels and probabilities.

Using the model

let model = try VNCoreMLModel(for: Inceptionv3().model)
let request = VNCoreMLRequest(model: model, completionHandler: displayPredictions)
let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(cgImage: image.cgImage!)
try handler.perform([request])

These two code blocks are where the magic happens. Above, I referenced the model I imported, specify a completion handler, provide the image, and initiate the prediction.

Viewing predictions

func displayPredictions(request: VNRequest, error: Error?) {
   // Make sure we have a result
   guard let results = request.results as? [VNClassificationObservation]
   else { fatalError("Bad prediction") }

   // Sort results by confidence
   results.sorted(by: {$0.confidence > $1.confidence})

   // Show prediction results
   print("\(results[0].identifier) - \(results[0].confidence)%")
   print("\(results[1].identifier) - \(results[1].confidence)%")
   print("\(results[2].identifier) - \(results[2].confidence)%")

When the prediction request completes, the completion handler above is called, handling the results. I did a simple sort based on the confidence percentage provided by the model and displayed the top three results.

? Success: 98.32451%

Pretty dang easy. If you’d like to take a look at my example project, head on on over to GitHub.

Pastebot Filters

On a recent episode of The Talk Show, John Gruber mentioned Pastebot, a clipboard manager from the good folks at Tapbots. I decided to give the app a try and have been impressed by both its ease of use and expandability. Not only does Pastebot maintain a history of your Mac’s clipboard, it also has a handy ‘Filters’ feature, allowing you modify text on the fly.

The clipboard

For a simple example, I have created a filter, that will convert a plaintext URL, into Markdown. All I need to do is copy a URL, and then invoke Pastebot (Shift + Cmd + V), select the filter icon next to the clipboard item, apply the correct filter, and voilĂ , [Link Text](

A preview of how the filter effects the clipping

If you’re feeling really dangerous, Pastebot also allows Shell scripts to be run as a part of filters, allowing for powerful operations to be performed on paste. A great example of this is a default filter which uses a script to convert Markdown to HTML.

If you’re interested, I have made available a few simple Pastebot filters for creating Markdown content: lists, blockquotes, URL’s and images. You can find them here.